速報APP / 遊戲 / Color Zen Redux

Color Zen Redux



檔案大小:151.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Color Zen Redux(圖1)-速報App

Color Zen is a new kind of puzzle game. One that invites you to put on your headphones, relax, and find your way through an abstract world of colors and shapes.

Color Zen Redux(圖2)-速報App

#1 Family Game in the US, #2 Puzzle Game in the US, #9 Overall Game for iPad

Color Zen Redux(圖3)-速報App

Praise for Color Zen:

Color Zen Redux(圖4)-速報App

“...a relaxing puzzle game that you will want to immerse yourself in with a pair of headphones and a comfy chair.”

Color Zen Redux(圖5)-速報App


Color Zen Redux(圖6)-速報App

“Its simple color-bursting mechanic provides an almost tactile response as you collide shapes, and its gorgeous mosaic layouts are cause to stop and savor each stage before proceeding to a solution...”

Color Zen Redux(圖7)-速報App


Color Zen Redux(圖8)-速報App

“Color Zen is soothing, addictive, and simple. What more could you ask for in a puzzle game?”



In Color Zen there is no score. No penalties for failure. Just a simple set of rules, intuitive controls, and satisfying puzzles. Get into the flow with Color Zen.

Color Zen Redux is a re-release of the original 2013 game.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad